4 Year Old Kindergarten

Our sessional 4 year old kindergarten program has a strong focus on preschool learning and preparing for school success. Our Planned learning is aimed at promoting your child’s critical thinking, stimulating their investigative, problem solving and exploration skills.
Through play-based activities your child will be encouraged to expand their knowledge, skills in literacy, numeracy and socialisation. Our program nurtures your child in self-esteem, well-being and to value culture and their identity, learning and development in their communities.
Our teachers Integrate meaningful, authentic and diverse representations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures in the classroom. We are able to provide all children with the foundations to form their own understandings of the contemporary, diverse and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our bachelor qualified teachers and early childhood educators will introduce your child to a variety of new experiences planned to further develop their growing language, cognitive and physical abilities and social and emotional development. Your child will be encouraged to develop a greater sense of self and will be supported to achieve greater independence, confidence and resilience.
Interwoven into the daily activities is our Transition to School Program for those children who are moving onto primary school the following year.
Eligibility: Your child must be turning 4, by 30th April
Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9.30am to 2.30pm
Fees: Free: 15 hours a week.
Talk to our office if you need long day care hours or before and/or after kindergarten care.